General in TRTF SAGA

Talk about The Return to Freddy's

POV, your stuck at 4am on TRTF 4 enhanced.

Is it weird how there are barely any TRTF 5 revivals based off the remastered or rebooted eras?
@ItsMeNoOne , why is TRTF 2 reworked so hard, no offense I just wanna know.
#GJAsks My favorite villain is...

i fw his name (Alison Bäirren)
Heya fellow TRTF fans/enjoyers/lovers, wanted to ask:
What are some of the things you like about TRTF?
Ranking TRTF fangames that i have played (my opinion)

TRTF 5 : Resurrection, extras

Made it to floor 9, however I think this one’s gonna be a bit tricky.