All Posts in NotSoDevy: Regenerated

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attempted to do a funny within cloudyjolt's version of nssw

(this is in your_games because this is FOR a game, this is essentially going to be either its "continue" or "game over" screen)

crimtake thats disrespectful as fuck man

two words: pinned post

updated title screen to look more like the original fnas 1 title.

looking for a voice actor to play luigi!

just say the same dialouge from the phone calls in the original fnas 1

if you want the role just dm me on discord and send the voice clips to me, thats all

FNaS DX CC's GameJolt page is up!

he will come, better watch out. tails.


I'll get my assload done and a legit trailer of whatever it is.

What happened after NEW BEGINNING but before BROKEN HEART?

An official Sonic Lost Drive (Series) DLC is in works.