General Chat in Shadow Nights Official Community

Unleash your fantastic imagination! you guys shud probably take a look if ya dint saw it yet

This game will be released in due time. I must admit that development has been somewhat chaotic, but in the end, the game has been under silent development for a while. However, don't worry the game is set to release in 2025

okay i am bored lmafo (also planning to put the UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH easter eggs to the game if the map and the arts are done (i hope) anyway ok time to sleep

yeyeeyyeyeyeeyeyeyeyeyeyye time to head back to working on sn remasterd fangame page (kill me) but next day lmao

The Showtimers

alright the title and the trophies is almost done and i need to make the story image and the credits jajajajja dfdjsehgdsf (i hate making art)


Almost done with trophies


I added IYED and Shad

@IYED-IYED @ItzSForShadow

now imagine if good ending on remasterd fan made if shad allows me to do it or not