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do you know how to type
i have a couple of ideas for minigames in cams robotic house, that are all lore-related:
edit: make sure to not look at the old page, the old page is not being worked on anymore, im gonna make a new one that looks better.
i tried to make a ragdoll with arms but he kept on grabbing his butt and flying into the air
the next demo of helpME should have a sneak peak at the second chapter, some new characters, a new story, and some placeholder stuff, like a maze that the maze gen made with some tweaks made by me to make it look like its finished (which its not.)
i got a cursed seed that had every north wall a cursed mario
cams robotic house might have a new episode soon! (animated thing)
i want to be a HelpME Tester
maybe.. i should limit how much i can use the pencil.
im working on a random product generator on scratch.
(its for the store stage of helpME)
i decided that for #PixelArtChallenge6 i would make a banner for a horror game im working on, helpME.