other_languages in Programmers

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Trying to install Visual Basic 4.0 on Windows 3.11 (failed)

Freepascal compiler running on Windows XP, but compiling and running from IDE (FP) not work, but it is possible compile use "fpc" command

Flat assrmbler (fasm) running on Windows XP (qemu). But can build only PE32. It is possible to compile MZ file but DosBox is required to run MZ files.

What does this mean? I am trying to add trophies to a scratch game and I ran into this error. (I'm using Turbowarp packager BTW)

hi everyone. We will slowly start switching to clickteam fusion 2.5. This is my little program.
PS I'm from Poland so not everything is in English
if you type in linux terminal ifconfig shows your ip. if you are using nmap one code (in the article) show open ports on your device
i know how to code in html and css so thats cool