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G&S Update has released! Enjoy!
(If you have a problem with opening exe file, just place the whole downloaded folder on your desktop. I really don't know why is this error here)

I haven't been able to do much for a while now thanks to me being in school again to learn about electronics

I did try to learn about the Atari 2600 video signal at least so I could have a proper aspekt ratio that the graphics would be shown on a CRT

oh lord. I've been forgetting GJ was a thing, thanks to me getting busy with other stuff.

but I'll see what I can fish up for you lads

as I expected, it took me a few days to get what I waned to be functional, but I've achived it now. Time to make a showcase with it.

I'll return again when I've got something.

I have to learn a bit more about the Super Gameboy or should I say SNES now?

if no problems shows up, I'll be able to show something rather cool surounding the Super Gameboy.

so stay tuned everyone

Edit: might take a little, so don't expect anything the next couple days possibly.