All Posts in Murder Blooms: The Absolute Mistery

Share your creations! Unless you want me to shove a JCJenson pen in your face...

Team MB logo by:@Sugar-Sweet

Old Models vs New Models

New frontyard by:@Mr- (the 2 images is the old one by:@boxgreen )

Well, I didn't do anything, by the way I don't know if I did it right or if I did it wrong :/

well my brother is seriously annoying, well I have to finish this quickly to do the other things :/

Here's what I been working on.

This a sneak peek

Murder Blooms

oh right, I managed to recover this, I don't want to have to do it from scratch, I'm too lazy for that

I have to continue it


Peashooter animation

Design by:@Mr-


Sunflower animation

Design by:@Mr-


Wall-nut animation

design by:@Mr-