General in Resident Evil

What're ya buyin'?" and "Now go and cause some mayhem, eh! Heh heh heh!"

Whatcha Know About Rollin' Down In The Deep, when your brain goes numb you can call that mental freeze, what the people talk to much put that shit in slow motion

First post of 2025 yall
#MyGOTY honestly? Left 4 dead 2. It’s just too fun and goofy to not be. First time I played it was yesterday, and my squad was:
Dr. Robotnik from sonic 06, Bow Girl from a hat in time, Deadpool, and Leon Kennedy from resident evil. What a team.

Either Claire Redfield's jacket or the Aperture portal gun.

I've never been more happy to delete a re game. This game sucks so much. I could go on for hours about how bad this "remake" is but I would just be regurgitating stuff that's been said 1000 times. So long re 3

I have two sides, insane and animal lover.
Turns out that drawing is so fucking hard I am looking for someone who helps me for idk I can't pay money I am broke but I can do whatever you want if you do a great job on drawing the character for any information contact me on discord
hi i am making an offical character for my youtube channel any name suggestion for him???
I wanted to try to finish Resident Evil 7 in less than 4 hours but the problem is my dad just used my computer for 1 hour and my time limit corrupted my record, Thanks you dad -_-