general in The Unhappy Community :c

opposite of Happy
Buuuu, ha ya yay empezamos el spooky month ¡haaaa que miedo! 🥶🥶🥶🥶, con un poco de retraso, pero ignoremos eso, aquí tenemos trabajo así que eso es todo por ahora, os dejo con el nuevo banner e icono y feliz mes terrorífico buuuu 💀☠☠☠☠☠

Hi guys, when I started the account I made a small clay Matt and today after several years I have a quartet of mini characters, Ana is made of ceramic, Roc is made of foam rubber and Dr.X is a mixture of everything, I hope you like it, I'm not very good
Am I a bad person 😔?.. sorry if I said that a bunch of times

Here's proof