new posts in RRCreations Club

Welcome to all :D!

very good guys, I have finished my first song made by myself, what do you think. :)
The sprite is not the final one, in the final game it will have more movement.
muy buenas chicos, he terminado mi primera canción hecha por mi mismo, que os parece. :)

zombies are coming / los zombies están llegando

The talking robot :D
Guys I have been trying to make the specimen 7 with a new texture but we have not found it in the files, if anyone knows anything about it and can give us a hand we would be very grateful to read it.
El robot que habla :D

this is the last leak of the animatronics of my fangame, I hope you like it :)
este es el último leak de los animatronicos de mi fangame, espero que os guste :)

I think I will call this robot Rob-in (happy 9th birthday fnaf :)) / Creo que voy a llamar a este robot Rob-in (feliz noveno cumpleaños fnaf :))

I think I like the final result of this part a lot :D / creo que me gusta mucho el resultado final de esta parte :D

working on the robots ;) / trabajando en los robots ;)

I think I finally have a final design for the office, what do you think? :)
Creo que por fin tenemos un diseño definitivo para la oficina, ¿qué os parece?