new posts in RRCreations Club

Welcome to all :D!

first line of characters complete!
The roaster is still open for everyone and I really hope you like the final result of the game because I really like to make this kind of games.
P. D: The character in the second screenshot is an original character from

you are ready for something SPOOKY?
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion mod is now available, I hope you like it. :)
Estás listo para algo SPOOKY?
El mod de Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion ya está disponible, espero que os guste. :)

some sketches for the "mini-bosses" of my game ;)
algunos bocetos para los "minijefes" de mi juego

What's up people, here I bring you a testing of Matt's movement, the background is provisional, what do you think. ;)
Que tal gente, aquí os traigo una prueba del movimiento de Matt, el fondo es provisional, que os parece. ;)

Hello everybody, here I bring you the sequel of my first comic, in spanish and also in english (The publication are two comics, from the first picture to the 18th is the comic in english and from page 19th to the last one the comic in spanish ;)),
presenting Matt!, Rulchera! and... Error 404!
presentando a Matt!, Rulchera! y... ¡Error 404!