new posts in RRCreations Club

Welcome to all :D!

Very good to all, what do you think about this model I have made, it is a Puppet version, I hope you like it because it looks really good.
Muy buenas a todos, que os parece este modelo que he hecho, es una versión de Puppet, espero que os guste porque

Good news that makes me smile.
Willy adventure is officially back, we have been doing some tests and everything seems to be in order.
presenting Pinqpy!, Ana! and... Monster!
presentando a Pinqpy!, Ana! y... ¡Monster!

Hello everybody, the OWaR map is finished (this is a part of the map, to be exact, the office, the arcade and the corridors) now we are planning to make a change, but I will talk about it later, meanwhile we see in the darkness ;)
Hola a todos, el mapa

I've been trying new drawing styles for decoration and I created this Popgoes drawing, I really like the result, what do you think?
He estado probando nuevos estilos de dibujo para decorar y he creado este dibujo de Popgoes, me gusta mucho el resultado.

The map of my fangame is almost repaired, this is a picture of the map in case you are interested.
-See you in the darkness
El mapa de mi fangame está casi reparado, esta es una foto del mapa por si os interesa.
-Nos vemos en la oscuridad