new posts in RRCreations Club

Welcome to all :D!

New, improved and bigger Rubik Parkour, only in Willy adventure >:)


Nuevo, mejorado y más grande Rubik Parkour, solo en Willy adventure >:)


This is the ending song of Happy Desert, I hope you like it, I think Happy Desert can be something very different but I think it can be very cool.


Esta es la canción con la que termina Happy Desert, espero que os guste, creo que Happy Desert puede ser

Second line of completed characters, here are some images.

If you have any suggestions don't forget to comment ;)


Segunda línea de personajes completados, aquí tenéis algunas imágenes.

Si tienes alguna sugerencia no olvides comentar ;)


This one is for all my fans who tell me to put IDK in the game.

IDK is already in the game, I hope you enjoy this gameplay of him. 💀


Este es para todos mis fans que me dicen que ponga a IDK en el juego.

IDK ya está en el juego, espero que disfrutéis de

And here is GB in the prototype design of the minigames :)


Y aquí está GB con el diseño prototipo de los minijuegos :)

Hello everyone, we have been thinking about what you said and yes I agree, the best thing would be to make an original character for the fan game, so I have made this new model, I have tried to make it as different as possible but without losing the

  2 votes Voting finished

presenting 9-bits!, Pills! and... Dr. X!


presentando a 9-bits, Pills y... ¡Dr. X!

We will be posting some SPECIAL images on our Ko-fi account, if you are interested to know more about our projects, who we are or other things, don't forget to visit our Ko-fi account and don't forget to do a little donation, we appreciate it ;)



Phantom Chica and... Withered Golden Freddy >:)

I have changed some modes of the map like puzzles and also I have reorganized the colors to make it look more colorful, do you like it? :)


He cambiado algunos modos del mapa como los puzzles y también he reorganizado los colores para que se vea más