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Welcome to all :D!

Welcome to chapter #16, definitely one of the most productive chapters in my opinion, we get a lot of emblems and not only that, we managed to explore each and every one of the biomes of the netherworld and also managed to make a complete set of

Hello everyone, let's leave the jokes aside and I present you two kill screens, Rob's and Rob-in's, what do you think? :)
Hola a todos, vamos a dejar las bromas a un lado y os presento dos kill screens, la de Rob y la de Rob-in, ¿qué os parecen? :)

Welcome to chapter nº15, if the previous chapter was about construction, this one has been all about mining.
The mobs farm has been completely functional, thanks to this I have crafted more tnt to mine more debris for netherite, after this I went to the

Here is the end of the trip, but this is not going to finish like this.
From @EmulatorOfDreams we will be back and stronger than before, stay tuned because this doesn't end here.
Aquí acaba el viaje, pero esto no va a terminar así.
Character Nº 8 9-bits
(Fun fact: 9-bits, despite being a robot, its best ability is not its intelligence, as this is conspicuous by its absence, in fact the small device in its head was designed by Ana as a method to keep 9-bits from losing its data) :)

Welcome everyone to chapter #14, of construction, this time I created a mobs farm, I'm not very good at farms but anyway it's functional, there's not much more for today's chapter, this farm has cost me more than I thought, see you in the darkness ;)
Character Nº7 Dr.X
(fun fact: Doctor X was inspired by Uboa from the game Yume Nikki) :)
Personaje Nº7 Dr. X
(Dato curioso: el Doctor X se inspiró en Uboa, del juego Yume Nikki) :)

another original character for the game, this character comes from @MeatCubeGames , thank you very much Meat for supporting and collaborating in the game, I really appreciate it.
Egg is not coming alone, he comes with his own original map too, I will keep

Welcome and congratulations, we have already arrived to more than 100 days, in today's chapter I finish organizing everything I wanted to do and the fish tanks (the last photo), I hope you are liking this, we have already taken a big step ;)