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hola chicos, prepárense, porque dentro de poco saldrá Happy Desert, tengo pensado sacarlo en Newground, en inglés y en español, pero cuando salga lo subiré aquí para que lo vean, espero que todo vaya bien y nos vemos dentro de un rato ;)

Hola chicos, ya estoy trabajando en los jumpscares de OWaR, os dejo un Clip del jumpscare de Rob, espero que os guste :)
Hi guys, I'm already working on the OWaR jumpscares, I leave you a Clip of Rob's jumpscare, I hope you like it :)

El piloto HD está terminado al 100%, lo siguiente es traducirlo, os dejo un tráiler y un enlace al vídeo de YouTube, eso es todo por ahora, nos vemos el día 20 en la penumbra ;)
The HD pilot is 100% finished, the next thing is to translate it, I

Niveles 6 y 7 de Rubik parkour
Nivel 1-6 Un sol abrasador
Nivel 1-7 Entre el código
Levels 6 and 7 of Rubik parkour
Level 1-6 A scorching sun
Level 1-7 Among the code

Hola chicos, he creado unas nuevas figuras de plastilina de Matt y Ana, creo que lucen mucho mejor que las originales y además se pueden articular, espero que os gusten.
HD esta casi 100% terminado asi que preparense y nos vemos en la penumbra ;)
Hi guys, I have to tell you something about Happy Desert, I have thought to do the voices with my voice, but to translate it to English I don't know how I'm going to do it, I don't think my English level is so good to dub the voices to English, any
2 votes Voting finished

Happy Desert News.
The coloring is already 100% finished, the next thing on the list is to work on the voices, I guess that like the comics the project will be in Spanish and soon will be translated into English, although we will have to talk about

Hi guys, Rubik parkour will have 6 special levels and 3 hidden ones, this level called Climbing in the bamboo stadium is an example of a special level, it is themed in climbing, so you will have to climb and crawl through the level, I wanted to tell

The snowy mountains level is back, it was one of the most popular maps and I decided to add it back, maybe I will bring more old maps, I attach a comparison of the new version (1 image) and the old one (2 image), I have something more to tell you