arte/art in sweeties/dulzuras

Share your creations!

: El archienemigo comadreja de LilSonic: Ratz the weasel

: LilSonic's weasel archenemy: Ratz the weasel

Esp:Le robé el puesto a Caine xd

Eng:I stole Caine's job

the frog is back...


: Mas personajes random

: More random characters

some enemy concepts, i tried a more "humanoid" version instead of just little machines or animals.

I had no ideas of what to draw and well, a friend mentioned me in a post…: by: @Beta-17 There they like and follow xd (if they want). Well, What I'm going for, I made myself in the anime art style of panty and stocking

How was it?

: La versión robótica de Lilsonic: Metal Lilsonic

: The metallic versión of Lilsonic: Metal Lilsonic

Fanart for @MyR4OFICIAL I hope you like it sweetheart 😘

Fanart para @MyR4OFICIAL espero te guste corazón 😘

1- New pencil táctil

2- progress of a drawing