Announcements (Collaborators) in 💯The EXE Community💯

Probably not going to post further about that to keep my reputation in check while also helping out Zangos and others who fell in that scheme, anyway, that post probably doesn't violate ToS.

I kept forgetting everything cool and important, so, I had this genius idea to make the ULTIMATE WISHLIST. Best of all, Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!! :D
-- I love my friends --

Unfollow @LeashedSkies if you are an extremely obsessed Yandere and is actually very possessive of them and desire them to be with you forever, I'm pretty much serious here.

I don't need to explain jackshit here, the truth is the image


lost one more follower at main account, im starting to stop giving a fuck, i have 1K, losing 3 people who never liked me aint new brother ill never get 1.6K and if i do will take decades
Today, I hadda asked mah momma why she doesn't dye her hair Yellow, she just said "No", but the thing is, she would look like Marisa andee Slim Shady at the sane time due her shitty witty personality and long hair, missed opportunity, don't ya thinkcha
My birthday is in TWO days, but I'm feeling extremely stressed since yesterday to now, I might want to chill the fuck out before I end up doing something vile to someone or myself

I got hurt MANY times physically & mentally since yesterday and today, I never felt so enraged like this before, EVERYTHING I tried to bring happiness failed, I wasted 5 hours trying to jailbreak my DSi just to get a "SD Card not compatible." FUCK IT ALL.