Mega Battles in Shell Studios
Do what YOU want
Gosh I need a better mic, anyway I explain a little of what I'm doing in this game.
(turn up the audio to hear!)
My new years resolution would possibly be to finish at least 1 chapter of MBR and release it to the public and possibly doing a collab with a game (maybe). Overall, I just want MBR to be the best game it can be.
Okay I REALLY have to start updating on what I'm doing. I just finished the intro cutscene of the game. Hope you like it.
Here is some art of the REMASTERED flaming being!
I did this art just like the sir. meowsworth drawing.
Comment your opinions and say what you think
night and day! wow I've stepped up on logo creation for this game
This is the chapter logo for chapter 3 (NOT FINAL)
so if anyone can tell me if there's a way to update mega battles R without you guys losing all of your memory in game so that I won't have to release the full game when done
This question is asked so that I could release updates overtime
-fixed fps drop bug
-all settings work
-attack visual effects will be added