Game helper aplication center in CyRuS fAnClUb

thanks for being here, what's on your mind :3
im starting back up my game 6 weeks in boyfriends nightmare aka 6 nights pls help to apply for
map creator
HEY! proud to anounce that i just competed two songs for my game six (6) weeks in boyfriend's nightmare (swibn- s w i b- like swim- but swib- n- like no- but just the n- okay whatever anyways) (view artical)
hey yall im back to ask, is there somebody i can hear back from as a spriter/ character maker for my game? please...? i dont even care about the sounds right now... just please... anybody? (does this fnaf+fnf count as a creation since its a fan game?)
so i got bored and decide to try and create what random music should be heard during the senpai minigame- and i think this acctualy fits- listen to it and tell me what ya think…