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the 2nd game in the SNAG series: Nightmares with Oliver DEMO coming out on December 20, 2021! [ I'm so sorry that I am announcing this now; it was supposed to be announced 2 days ago, but I was so into the game development. ]

The Future of the SNAG series { Please read if you care }

Imagine seeing this in the middle of the night.
This is a lil sneak peak of the next game that is coming out very soon, and it is much more scary than the og SNAG, by a long shot.
#fnaf #fnaffangame #scary #horror
Hello everyone, it has been around 8 months since my last post. I've been very busy with school and family matters; However I am back and working on future projects. I believe you really love the next game of the SNAG series.
I wonder what happens if you type oliver if you beat the game?
Welcome to the Six Nights at Greenbot's community on Game Jolt!