Share your creations!

Since many did not realize my cinematic stills were part of a video here is a short clip. "Stardust Speed Demon" The full video short can bee seen on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/v3JOHC_hXjY

Stardust Speed Demon: The Training of Metal Sonic
Happy New Year! The following music video style short film is the culmination of about 7 months of sleepless asset creation; Overloading the brain on totall...

#HedgehogDay Why do I like Sonic so much? To put it short I began to draw and do art because of Sonic at 7. Maybe if he didn't exist I would not exist esp. as pro artist #YujiNaka #NaotoOshima #HisashiEguchi #ę±å£åÆæåæ #Sega 大å¤ć«ććććØććććć¾ćććäŗŗēćå¤ćć£ć¦å¤§å¤ęč¬ćć¦ććć¾ćć

Here's my Results On completing Sonic CD So far

El Dr eggman les desea feliz navidad
Welcome to the Sonic CD Community on Game Jolt!