sonicexe_rules in Sonic.exe Fandom

Sonic is watching you type...

Rule 10: Keep talk about your fan projects in the respective channels only: sonicexe_fangames for sharing fangames, sonicexe_fanart for sharing fanart, and sonicexe_fancreepypasta for sharing your fan-creepy pastas.

Rule 9: The feedback_for_sonicexe channel is for feedback on improving this community ONLY.

Rule 8: Keep all spoilerly stuff in the sonicexe_spoilers channel

Rule 7: Keep all hate speeches, negativity, and venting in the i_hates_u channel. If you want to be more political, post in the sonicexe_is_getting_political channel

Rule 6: If you want to speak languages other than English, please post in the respective channels at the bottom of the list of channels.