Everybody wanna be a superstar

Я окунуль Стрижу в стиль Фрутиджер Аеро (оригинал справа)

The Techno Remake, also I wanted to remake him cuz my Skill,,,
When the Andrei's Corporation Takesover America

June 1st yayayayayy (Summer Plans in Article)
Первое июня урауарурараурару (планы на лето в артикле)
С этого дня открывается контест по фанартам для мода. Подробности в артикле.
From this day on, a competition for fanart for mod was opened. Details in the article.

Some mashle oc drawings he has no name but lots of these are just practice for perspective or lighting
I will quit from online for week or two. I have many troubles in school.
Я ухожу из сети на неделю или две. У меня большие проблемы в школе.
Comment here if you want to be a mod

Quick art I did to mess around with lighting
It’s my current favorite child oc onyx
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This community is for different things, even memes.
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