general in Superheroes

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Our condolences to Jason David Frank’s family. Jason and the rest of the OG rangers acting were a big inspiration in my life. Rest in peace soldier. This game was made with lots of love.

Hello dudes and dudettes, it is me, the god of this world. You can call me daddy or papi if you know what I mean. Either way, I'm the god you unknowingly serve. Ain't that sad? NOT.
Check out my article for some concept art and character introductions...

Devlog # 3
Hello everyone! Today we share Zions character details in our main page. Visit the attached article where Dream discusses the Hero Points system, etc. Thank you!

Infamous & Sunset Overdrive Inspired Superhero Game
(Particles & Parkour Improvements!)
Follow the game below, open to suggestions, feedback and criticism!