Fan Cat Art! in sole fan club 🐈

Elf me meeting Sole's soul-
(For the new ppl who doesn't know, Sole was my irl cat that got a brain tumor and passed away...)

He didn't survived...
He stopped breathing at the vet...
We couldn't do anything... Just crying for all the happiness they he gave us...
I hope I will meet him in heaven when I will die...
Rest in peace my dear Sole...
I hope you stay well up there...

And I finished Sole
Hope y'all like it

I really liked how i drawed the hat and bowtie on Sole so i drew him as plus Freddy cuz why not
+ free base in the second pic, if you Want to color or adding ditails your own Plus Freddy cat (@ me if your gona use it, cuz it makes me happy :3)

Sole ran away for a day and my mom asked to all neighbours if they saw sole
The next day someone found sole and called us, my brother went there to pick Sole
Sole is fine now but my mom is scared if he will do It again.