Welcome to the family!

#GJAsks Five nights at Freddy's definitely

Super Mario Maker 2!

Welcome to the The Crafterz Community community on Game Jolt!

Welcome to the family!

You can post fanart of Zella Crafterz, post music ideas, post game suggestions, memes, promote your own videos, and more. But, oy ONE rule. Keep it family friendly. If I or anyone of my moderators find anything that's not family friendly, we will not only reject your post, but will also report you to Gamejolt. Here are the rules for each channel in this community.

Moderator Form: here

(Moderator Rules are at the very end of the description)


  1. Post anything as long has it goes with the community.

Zella Crafterz Fanart

  1. You can post only one Fanart of Zella a day, no spam.

  2. No NSFW

Music Ideas

  1. You can post any ideas you have for Z's music channel, but only music ideas, NOTHING ELSE!

  2. You will be credited if picked.

  3. You will be credited if picked.


  1. You can only post memes.

  2. No NSFW memes allowed

Game Suggestions

  1. You can post only one game suggestion a day, no spam.

  2. No NSFW games allowed!

  3. You will be credited if picked.

Promote Your Videos

  1. You can only post videos (that are yours)

  2. You post post stream vods, but only after the stream is done.

Video Ideas

  1. You post only one video idea a day, no spam.

  2. No NSFW ideas.

  3. No virus filled ideas.

  4. You will be credited if picked.

Stream Ideas

  1. You can only post one stream idea a day, no spam.

  2. No NSFW Ideas.

  3. You will be credited if picked

Content Creators Only

  1. For Content Creators only. (NO ONE ELSE)

  1. No virus filled ideas.

Moderator Rules

  1. No abuse of power (will result is a demotion)

  2. If you demoted and you start to harass anyone in the community, you will be blocked from every being in the community ever again.

  3. Be nice

  4. Be fair

  5. Have common sense

Report A community for about 1 year