Imagine if i blocked @Brop76_birthday_in_july for being a toxic 5yr and crying once i banned him from my community lmao
A sequel to terp by @TerKeno
Which takes place a few years after the original rp and in a diffrent country
You can join as long as you agree with these rules
No godmode / OP powers.
No slurs / 18+ bullshit. Swears are fine.. and haveing 2 characters love eachother and kiss is also cool...but this isnt a fucking sex rp
You cant be "uninfectable" once your bitten your infected..you wont be a zombie right away but you'll still transform over time... the only characters that cant be infected are robots and i still need to decide if those kinda characters are valid
No AFK killing.. the death will be invalid
Tell me or a mod if you made a shelter so we can make it a channel
You cant spawn in other peoples bases
Friendly fire is on.. if you want to kill everyone in your way zombie or not then go ahead.. we wont stop you
Makeing alliences and teams is good and we have nothing agenist it. Just remember that friendly fire IS on so be careful who you trust
If you want to join the rp you need to make a character bio of your character and wait for me / a mod to approve it. (This dosent count if your a mod yourself)
Post your ocs in the "ocs/characters" channel
Now..let the madness beginn..