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fighting type gengar (Bargar)
2nd shiny variant
Bargar are known for their distinctive double features on their right side, Bargar will burst out of nowhere and just start attacking anything they see, and it doesn't matter where you were they can get you

normal type gengar (Bongar)
2nd shiny variant
the Bongar is known for its intimidating looks, but in reality the majority of Bongar are caring, kind hearted Pokémon being known for helping those lost in the wilds

dragon type Gengar (Serpigar)
2nd shiny variant
Serpigar have a social structure based on the souls they consume, because of this Serpigar will consmue the souls of all they meet, making them dangerous and difficult to tame with pokéballs.

dark type Gengar (Shadar)
2nd shiny variant
Shadar's are very mischievous, but their pranks are very deadly, leading to many fearing a Shadar encounter, Shadar also have little regard to life

todays my birthday, so I'm gonna post a lot of my gengars, heres-
Bug type Gengar (Spigar)
2nd shiny variant
Spigar feeds on souls, preferably fearful souls, because of this Spigar will strike fear into it's soul and then consume them body and soul both.