General in Together Jam

Share your progress and let's jam!

Lootlocker does not support UE5 or UE4.27, is there any work arround, or i have to install version 4.26?

My Science! I'd love to make a Tremors game... But in 16 days?! The artwork would take far too long to do it right.

Prepare for almost everyone to make a Felix game 😂


Are you ready to JAM?! TOGETHER?! We will be revealing the theme in 1 hour right here in the Together Jam community! Come join our fireside then!!! (Bring your questions!)

Does anyone have ideas on how to do Xena sprite sheets for a retro-style game? I'm thinking of creating a mini-RPG with that particular theme.

Can i make a 3D game?
(Sorry if this sounds like a silly question)

Do we have to use ALL the shows and movies or just choose one?

Unfortunately I am unable to join this one, but I'm excited to see what you guys have in store!

so are we suposed to take one of the movies and re-make it into a game??? also do we NEED a partner?

Confirmo mi equipo de desarrollo el cual consta de un programador el cual soy yo y un diseñador y artista musical el cual es Bloqueconstructor0987, y pues iré dando información sobre como va el desarrollo