Changed Special in Changed Furry Fan Community

Playing sonic rumble again and I'm not changing my profile so friend me whenever I'm ok with it and you can have me as a friend as im recording TY I hope you like watching my stuff I started posting on October 14 2024 and also plz dont copy me Thank You
I made it to the second save point! :D and I'm at room 4 of the dark latex nest! :D
I have Changed Special! But I'm stuck in the dark latex 2nd room trying to get to the save point, can anyone help me? I can get through room 1 with ease but I need help with room 2's save point, can anyone show me a pattern of getting to it?

Yall, I have everything needed to play changed special edition for free on mobile. If you are broke like me, and have android, hmu, and I will send you the files

Since i deleted my photo I saw changed tf in my photo