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Here's the full map layout of Five nights at Alvaro's! (Not the fnf mod) [[READ THE ARTICLE]]

Here's the remastered background of Five nights at Alvaro's GameJolt Community!!

"An unexpecting meeting" Super Salvage Alvaro from Five nights at Alvaro's, Photo-Negative Mary and Photo-Negative Sora drew by @TheLoudQuacko , thank you so much!!!!

Hey guys i have some bad news but i have some things to show about the Friday Night Funkin mod we're working on for 7 months. (Also yeah there is the Ophidiophobia song teaser (the second song of the mod))

A draw of María Rayas from Five nights at Alvaro's made by temi. Thank you so much!!
Welcome to the Ultimate five nights at freddy´s community on Game Jolt!
There are the rules of this community:
1. Don´t put NSFW posts.
2. Don´t say anything stupid on posts.
3. Don´t make me disgusted.
4. Do not start drama.
5. Put your posts in the right channel, not a different posts.
6. Do not spam.
And finally, just keep in mind those rules... you can also add other communities releated of this fnaf community including Minecraft and Friday Night Funkin.