Off-Topic in #StandWithUkraine

Share your creations!

EN: I wonder if this refactoring will even be useful in the long run or did I just spend my 2 days in vain.

UKR: Мені цікаво, чи буде цей рефакторинг корисний в довгостроковій перспективі, чи я просто дарма витратив 2 дні.

Не думав, що зможу почати працювати над повноцінною грою, але ось вам девложик

Прототип за 4 дні | Project Circle
Почав я якось гру робити.// ====================Стаття про рух у Quake: === Якісь посилання - https:/...

Today FNF Anthem of Ukraine Funkin Official Birthday!


I made my new roblox game! (in fact, I already published this post but deleted it because there was an old link to my game because I decided to move it due to technical problems)

Dreamshire is a social and roleplay experience.

EN: Hello guys, I'm back again. And I've uploaded the Best ASMR ever existing on Soundcloud here:…

UA: Привід друзі, я повернувся знову. І я завантажив Найкраще ASMR що тільки існує на Саундклауд ось тут:…



Was us


my name is doof and you'll do what i say woot-woot

Sonic 3 AIR Ukrainian Localization is finally out!!

Version 1.0 -

Нарешті виклав українську локалізацію Sonic 3 AIR!!


thanks for 100 followers!

today I would like to show what I did this week (the Ukrainian localization of Pizza Tower is delayed), so I finally made a normal title card and design in data select.

Below you can see gameplay footage of the mod