General in UNDERTALE

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Can someone make/find a mod that makes every dialogue box empty? I'm gonna stream a fandub of the game and need the dialogue to be gone.

(RUS) Тизер руин енкоута,сорян нарушил каноны которые придумал сам(полная игра от лица санса всю игру)
(ENG) Teaser of the Ruins Encounter, sorry for breaking the canons I made up myself (full game from Sans' perspective throughout the entire game).
So that's all I could say.
Um, so, all I agree is that everytime I make dialogues I must place they/them, to not face any problems. It would be MY fault ONLY if I don't do that.
Better let this fact be the way it is.
Acting dumb is NOT my favorite way :|
Now, about RED SOUL humans.
Yes, you would like to hear that.
Okay, truth is, people considered more that Frisk and Chara are girls. To be frank, fanarts are over the Google Images when you search even with one single word.
Kris, well, they/them. Sorry.
Now, CLOVER. One of my favorite humans I've ever seen.
From what I observed, Clover is more they/them than I anticipated, so, I have to agree. (I watched also Red and Yellow project). Also, Clover is more close to a cowboy design, so that's why I agree.
Now I'll talk about Mel, the human with Blue SOUL (I watched Bloodshed of Integrity), so yeah, AXIS blast.
Anyway, Mel looks more like a girl, so I can't say anything else.
I'll skip to the next post, I'm getting outta space here so don't worry ooooooooo-