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Some Fight Arts
(As the title says, these are some of the cover arts for the fights, not 100% finished yet but almost, and also some old arts were changed a little, in the case of the old MEGALOVANIA and TRIO OF HELL ENCORE.)

ok lets try to practice star of a fight
on this Dummy
Dummy ATK 1 DEF doesn't matter
the ghost in dummy so it can't feel
pain from physical damage

Deltarune: LemonLime Devlog 2.5 (LIMETIME) (Shiening Rouxls' Theme by @Juan_el_gato_DR ) (Most art by @Degu-King

i was bored ok? so i wanted to do a sheet of all the fangames of @BossHim that got no hitted even if some are most likely impossible like 404

This is a preview of the Test Build, the Battle Test is not ready for now, I changed the font and some items are added
(sorry for the quality, it's my first time using OBS)