Fazbear Articles Polls in FNAF Franchise: FFD

Hello FNAF Fans, what's on your mind?
Hi FNAF members! As you can see “Fazbear Articles Polls” is actually got the name changed! The original name has been renamed as now: “Fazbear Articles Polls”!
The time when walking down.. to Fredbear’s Family Diner
*Note: This is just a Story with a poll, so don’t think this is real
13 votes Voting finished
The greetings from Fazbear, as now asking you the question to figured what you can do to solve the problem.
6 votes Voting finished
It's been a while.. at Freddy's, hasn't it?
But.. wait, something.. went wrong.. with the Pizzeria..
10 votes Voting finished
A lovely day outside of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, but wait!
Something isn’t right in the pizzeria..
6 votes Voting finished