All Posts in Vs Stupid

Rapping is stupid >:]

bro why the fuck is my vs stupid dev server leaking so much stuff

Coral Impostor song: Sniper

yes this is a real leak and a offcial song

this is also a album cover

this post is for the "Create 3 comments" quest


Ayo... MAYBE MENU LEAK?!?!? (btw @LilDrippyALT if you want it tell me)


Finally, and here you go, A Offcial song that's in the mod already - Retro Swag


I know this song isn't really apart of my mod but i just test some funny boyfriend chromatic scales


someone posted this in my vs stupid server and they thought its a black betrayal leak

holy shit monkey pablo??

no, loggo did not draw this i did

im gonna do a april fools song for this but ill make it next time


Another Vs Stupid song - its the same thing but not remixed