general in ZaP-65's Empire

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Bruh... At some moment I just realized that giving promises about starting work on update for this port is not a good idea. So, you'll see by yourself when the game will be published. (maybe it'll be soon, maybe...)
Hey, I have a suggestion for you about the Tower of Millennium port (read article)
62 votes Voting finished

He u can make Game me in plsssss
Рус: Я вроде бы делал когда-то такой опрос, но хотелось бы уточнить. Какая у вас версия андроида?
Eng: I seem to have done such a survey once, but I would like to clarify. What is your android version?
35 votes Voting finished
Вышло обновление порта! / A port update has been released!

Sonic.exe The spirits of hell android port demo version. I play this game.

Playing NB-Remake Widescreen as you told me

Рус: Решил наконец продолжить порт даб-даб
Eng: Finally decided to continue the port