general in ZaP-65's Empire

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Rus: попробовал сделать порт Sonic.exe the Stone of Darkness
Eng: I tried to make a port Sonic.exe the Stone of Darkness

I don't have a favorite variant to see but have this teaser thumbnail for a future video 👀
Рус: Первый публичный релиз порта опубликован!
Eng:The first public release of the port has been published!
EGGMAN GAMEPLAY (still work in progress)

📱 EGGMAN Gameplay W.I.P | Sonic.exe TSoH Android | #Sonic #ZaP65
Telegram-channel: for advertising: @zap65_botAdvertising mail: [email protected]===Today I'm going to show you th...
The update is still in process. Do you want me to show you some parts that I've made already?
Quote of the day:
@Skyler20089 It's the best artist and amazing person, your outlook on life is authentic 😄💎👍
You are one of the strongest people I know.

Some mechanics I made for SoH Android port (read article).

new love❤❤❤ (read the article)

Hey guys... I want to share with you something tragic that happened to me yesterday 💔💔