general in ZaP-65's Empire

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Yes, the reason this port is not being developed is because Devy is not replying to our messages, because we cannot make it without his permission.

SonicEDIT.ROM - EYX Android Port
Preview prototype builds

The porting work is progressing smoothly, and we are currently working on the Sonic Stage :)
There's new news for this port!

Sonic BTS Android Port | DEV #1
This is a completely rebuilt Android port, so expect even more gameplay improvements.===============Check me out...gamejolt -twitter -discord - ls_develop===...

Hey guys, would you like to play an Android port of BTS with cutscenes and better physics than the original?

Well, I'm going to take over the porting of this game as well. Please look forward to the progress soon.

After a long wait, this port is officially back!