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Knuckles.exe Devil's Energy Android Port

v1.4.0 Demo version officially released :D

Yes, the reason this port is not being developed is because Devy is not replying to our messages, because we cannot make it without his permission.


SonicEDIT.ROM - EYX Android Port

Preview prototype builds

The porting work is progressing smoothly, and we are currently working on the Sonic Stage :)

Sonic BTS Android Port | DEV #1
This is a completely rebuilt Android port, so expect even more gameplay improvements.===============Check me out...gamejolt -twitter -discord - ls_develop===...

Hey guys, would you like to play an Android port of BTS with cutscenes and better physics than the original?

Tails stage :)

Well, I'm going to take over the porting of this game as well. Please look forward to the progress soon.

After a long wait, this port is officially back!

Announcement of new port development