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Lets Chat!

Update: I got my account back.


I added the pause menu into the game. But what you you guys think I should add next?


I'm Mostly done with the title screen and high score system. The Game is also called Pizza presents because you play as a pizza delivery person.

I'm sorry for not uploading an update on the endless runner game. But I started to start on the title screen and high score system.

Guys. They got it.

I'm Going to need to contact support if I want to make an account.

Edit: Wait I can sign in using github. ... I can't


Now the background moves and there is a new score system. No high scores yet sadly.

My flu isn't as bad as it was a few day ago.


I added to much and now I need a list. It's in the article.

This game is coming together.

Welcome To Zweletron World. Where we can hang out and post art. (Also Shout out to (@yytpgm and @mazmorralocura ) for being my first members.