
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Unique concept, and because it was part of the jam I see the difficulties. Though I quit after level 6 because the game handled fails in a boring way. If that makes since.

So, since the game jam is over and the game is not finished, is this game still going to be apart of the jam?



Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

32px jam entry - A memory puzzle created while waiting on a plane...

Point-A to point-B maze puzzle game to test your memory skills. Each level starts by flashing the entire maze and entry/exit points and fading it out over 5 seconds. Afterwards, you need to navigate the maze by memory. If you run into a wall, you start the maze over. Once per life you can use a radar scan ability to temporarily reveal the maze in a sweeping motion. Its a challening game to master but fun and interesting to play almost like 'golf' where the goal is to make it through each level with as few 'fails' as possible.



How to play

Click the “Visit the game’s website” link to try it while in development