
Comments (14)

What do you think?

This is a dead project

I have another question: Do the Investigator and Phone Guy have official designs?, If not I'm also a Character Designer. I can make them

will there be a english version?


Nice : )

Spanish:Bienvenido A Fredbear's Donde la fantasia y diversion....Toma vida

1991, Te encargaron de cuidar el viejo establecimiento de fredbear que lleva abandonado desde hace 7 años mientras las primeras noches vas descubriendo cosas que pasaron en fredbears Pero no contabas que aun estaban los animatronicos....

English:Welcome To Fredbear's Where fantasy and fun ... Come to life

1991, You were commissioned to take care of the old Fredbear establishment that has been abandoned for 7 years while the first nights you are discovering things that happened in Fredbears But you did not count that the animatronics were still there ...

The Game is still in developing,soon im gonna finish the game

El juego sigue en desarollo,Pronto Terminare el juego

#horror #fangame #pointnclick #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Fantasy Violence

hello Hello hello i need a voice actor from an investigator and a phone guy text me on my discord to be the voice actor or answer this post

Here settin UP the NEW game that im making with basbot

not canceled



Thanks to @KOALA_DUDE123_thankyouscott For helping in the game and me because im making the game too were making the game to be a good game :)