
Comments (6)

What do you think?

That Paint blood loooks so bad done

dawko should think again about beating the 50/20 mode

this is unplayable

are they gana move fast?


Ultimate Custom Night IMPOSSIBLE MODE Demo v2 (32 Bits)

Version: 0.2.0about 5 years ago

Ultimate Custom Night IMPOSSIBLE MODE (64 Bits)

Version: 1.1.0almost 5 years ago

Must download Ultimate Custom Night:

And Must download Texmod Too:

Hello and welcome to the Ultimate Custom Night but in Impossible mode. As you can tell all the animatronics and other things for office and cameras are invisible (and I not meant every). But if you don't know how to play it or struggling then here's how it works.

  1. Open up texmod you downloaded.

  2. Once you open up texmod click on the file from Target application and click browse.

  3. If you already click browse search for ultimate custom night you downloaded too and click on it.

  4. Once you done browsed the game click on the file but a different one instead of the target application one and then click browse.

  5. Find and Click on the mod (Ultimate Custom Night IMPOSSIBLE MODE.tpf).

  6. Once you follow the steps you may now click run.

  7. Have fun or not.

If you already said you beat it...then I have a deal with you.

  1. Find a recorder on PC that is helpful for you any kind. if you said all recorders doesn't work then nice try I can't be fooled by that if you actually saying that they find how to fix it yourself then. (I recommend hotkeys which is best for you to use the recorder. If one of them doesn't have hotkeys it's fine I just recommend it.)

  2. Now record Ultimate Custom Night with a IMPOSSIBLE MODE Mod.

  3. Since it's now demo v1 of the mod I want you to beat challenges: Bears Attack 1, 2, and 3 in the mod but if you can't beat all of it then that's okay just try one today and maybe another one next time.

  4. If you finally beat each or all bears attack challenge then you may stop recording.

  5. The video you recorded must be a .mp4 or .wav file.

  6. Post it on YouTube and send it to me in comments and that's it.

Here is a Team to help me.

32 Bits Creator: @Blunelsongaming /Me

64 Bits Creator: @TheRealZBonnieXD and @Blunelsongaming /Me (I well be 64 bits creator only in early next month, next month, or late next month.)

Gamers to try out the mod game for me: @IULITM , @8-Bit_Mark , @FusionZGamer (I think), and others.

Gamers to try out the mod game for me in 32 Bits: Others (because I don't know where to find one of them.) #fnaf #mods #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

1.1.0 Update announcement!

Cool news and shame news!

I change my mind about creating 64 bits. (Update)

The background of it we'll be different in demo v3.

Why 32 Bits?