
1D : Old GMTK Jam Version

What ?
1D Puzzle On The Line, or 1D POTL is a puzzle game in one dimension. Yes..., one dimension. It's very different from our world. It means you can only move left or right. Nothing, even the graphics, go up or down. You are stuck on the x axis.

What ?!
Calm down. The goal of the is to move to the exit. Easy ? Yes, but, the exit is usually closed and you must paint the cells so it matches the color of the exit and then it'll open. Moving affects cells you cross depending of the cell color you were.

How ?
Move the mouse left or right to plan your movement
Click to validate the movement
Press R to restart a level
Press I to hide the interface
Press V to display colors values, useful for colorblind people
Hold Escape to initiate the doom sequence that will exit the game

Why ?
This game has been made in less than 48 hours for the Game Maker's ToolKit Game Jam.
You can play the jam version, or the updated version that fix things that were bad in the original version. The updated version is recommended

Enjoy !