Comments (2)
This is so fun! With enough time and effort, this cound be a successful game!
This is a prototype to test a mechanic created in Unity.
The mechanic we want to test is the ability to shoot dirigible projectiles that follow the cursor in a 2.5D environment.
The game has several levels. The main level is called Kill em All and represents the main focus of the gameplay. puzzleLevel and shadowLevel are experiments with different gameplay.
What we need:
We need feedback on the mechanics and feel of the game. Don't worry about the total absence of graphics: We are trying to get something fun and we need people to test it.
You need to use alt+F4 to exit the game
Controls of the game:
Move with A and D
Jump with Space and W
Shoot a straight projectile with Left Mouse Button
Shoot a dirigible projectile with Right Mouse Button. The projectile will follow the cursor and trace a circle around it when it gets close.
Press R ro restart the level and M to go to the main menu
DO NO PRESS K. In some levels, it will slow down the game.