
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I liked it. The physics for the car felt odd, though. Like, going up hills and having the nose of the car suddenly jump up, and land me on my back. 3/5

A nicely done game!

2D Car is just a relaxing game for the casual players.

The game is intended to be released on the mobile platform but also if is good it will be release as a standalone on the pc also.

The game is still in a very pre-alpha period and I did show it here because ideas from what the players want is crucial for the game.

I am all kinds of idea , crazy ones or not.
A playable version will be given for the ones that are interested and want to have a name on the credits screen.

So send me a message with your suggestions.

For now I have some debug systems on so I systems like fuel , coins .

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!