
Comments (4)

What do you think?

If you were actually making a collection you would somehow fit all these games in one, get permission from all of them, fix all of their respective issues, and add extras/bonus futures like Sonic Jam for the sega saturn. Now that's something you sadly can't do.

and keep up the good work!

how do i download da game?

i love all sonic.exe games! keep up the good work!

HeLlO, dO yOu wAnT pLaY wITh uS. Play you Favorite Sonic.exe Game you ever wanted to Play in your Life. Credit Goes to the Game Makers who made these game: @DevyOfficial, @DanthePatientBear , @rexer061 (For Blood Scream and Blood Tears), and @Lucsan2015


@27Sonicgamer (me): Maker of the Game, Helper, Idea Person

@DevyOfficial: Maker of the Game, Idea person

@Offical50002: Thumbnail Art, Helper

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