Comments (6)
hey. can you tell me what kind of program do you use for these games?
It is fun, so that is the most important thing. The strategy bought in by the use of the resource bars made the game more involved and gave it a good pace.
No download option?
64x64 ill-fated

64x64 ill-fated is a beat 'em up inspired by classics as Golden Axe or King of Dragons.
Game for 1 to 4 players, call your friends for a enjoyable local multiplayer action!
Select your characters and be aware that everyone has different stats and abilities, cooperation is very important!
Choose between Warrior, Rogue, Cleric and Mage.
The red bar indicates your life, the yellow the stamina and the blue the mind.
Every time you attack you use one stamina point, when you have no stamina you need to wait until you can attack again. Stamina is recovered every few second if not fighting.
Some enemies try to corrupt your mind and if it drops to zero you will become insane!
Let us know if you enjoyed the game, in that case we might continue to work and develop it as a complete game.
Thank you for playing!
64x64 ill-fated supports up to 4 gamepads/joysticks, if you don't have enough for all the player the first one can use ASDW to move and G to attack. If you require a second player to use the keyboard they can use the directional arrows to move and L to attack.
The control selection screen uses W and S or Arrows up and down to move and ENTER, SPACEBAR or G to select the desired option.
To know more about the player's stats: Let's start the journey!
To know more about the Warrior: Let's discover: The Warrior
To know more about the Rogue: Let's discover: The Rogue
To know more about the Cleric: Let's discover: The Cleric
To know more about the Mage: Let's discover: The Mage
Simone Tropea (Game Design, Programming, Level Design, UI, Sounds)
Lysa Radvan (Art)
Rolemusic (Music)
64x64 is a Biim Games project
Studio page: https://www.biim.games

#biim_games #64x64illfated #localmultiplayer #fantasy #beatemup #multiplayer #coop #coopmultiplayer #indiegame #pixelart #arcade #lowrezjam #retro #action #rpg #adventure #other
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed