Comments (23)

Cool game! I like the variety of planes and tanks. I also like how you can shoot down missiles but not tank rounds, so you can thin out the projectiles a bit, but still need to dodge certain ones. I really like the shift from night to morning when you start a new run. Good work on your game!
It's a fun game ngl.
I actually really like this game. It has a lot of potential imo. I really like that you can abduct ppl too lol. I wish you were able to add the other things.
I have to say this is my favorite game so far, I like how fast paced and simple it is. It's fun to play while also being just hard enough. I would say it fits for a no internet game because of the quick access and it's not overly complicated like other games here. I like how you can switch weapons and each weapon has different properties and uses specific to the enemy characters in the game. This is definitely a top contender in my books. Great game!
The WASD Player dowsn't work for left and right And... The game is just of moving 2 ships?